The School in La Magdalena

About the Area

Working together with the local people, missionaries from Dahlonega Methodist Church over several years built not only a school, but lasting relationships with the people of La Magdalena, a small, rural community that sits on the border of Guatemala, in the shadow of the Chingo volcano.  El Salvador is a country that has one of the highest crime rates in the world, with systemic poverty, and with little hope for the future of the children there. 

This school was founded to change this outlook for the children of La Magdalena.  We began with just three grades of Kindergarten, adding one grade per year, as money allows.  The school is in it’s eleventh year of operation, with children now in the Tenth Grade and with a total of over 230 students.  The goal is to ultimately go through 12th grade.


The children receive a high-quality education, Christ-centered Biblical teaching, and eventually job-skills training in a safe and loving environment, giving them hope for a brighter future.  Through a partnership with Convoy of Hope, the children also receive a meal each day, and food to take home to their families.

In 2022, the national average schooling in El Salvador for rural regions was 5.6, below the national average of just 7.2 grades. Our goal is for all children in our school to graduate from High School, and receive vocational training or preparation for University (depending on the student’s goals).

Students at our school are also taught English and computer skills to help them be more competitive in the job market upon graduation.

Our Impact

We have numerous testimonies from families of how attendance at this school has made a real difference in the lives of the children and how these changes have carried over into their families.  Most of the children who attend the school come from unchurched families, broken homes, and – prior to attending this school – had no real hope for the future. 

Our goal is for our students to have choices for their futures, and, through their lives, to help improve their families and their community.

The Future

We are growing! We are building another 4-classroom building and opening a Library.